Kate's Korner

Here I hold forth on matters writerly, and anything else that takes my fancy.

Location: Boyertown, Pennsylvania, United States

I've got enough short stories published for SFWA membership, and I'm in the middle of making the next jump to novel sales. The mad genius parts are true. I'm quite insane, and I qualified for Mensa at the tender age of 8 but never actually joined up. As far as I can tell being a mad genius isn't a good thing, although it can be fun.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


I am angry.

Actually, angry doesn't begin to cover it. I'm furious. Enraged. Spitting chips.

I am sick to death of an employer who tells me something must be done, then begrudges every moment I spend doing it. The attitude seems to be that if it can't be billed to a client, it isn't worth doing. Never mind that we have an infrastructure that isn't so much crumbling as crumbled, and that we're shipping way too many bugs to clients.

I am sick to death of being treated like a recalcitrant child whenever my priorities don't match the ever-shifting priorities of On High. Forgive me, but I am not the only human who has never managed to pass telepathy 101.

So, now that I've had my little rant, on with the show. My friend and pro writer Sarah Hoyt has restarted her blog and is updating her website again. Go read it - and enjoy her snippets. She's good.



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