Kate's Korner

Here I hold forth on matters writerly, and anything else that takes my fancy.

Location: Boyertown, Pennsylvania, United States

I've got enough short stories published for SFWA membership, and I'm in the middle of making the next jump to novel sales. The mad genius parts are true. I'm quite insane, and I qualified for Mensa at the tender age of 8 but never actually joined up. As far as I can tell being a mad genius isn't a good thing, although it can be fun.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The Dam Opens

After a month from Hell, it looks as though the dam has finally broken open. I'm writing again.

So far, I've done 2.5k words on a new story with the working (sucky) title of Angel/Demon, plus about 1.5k words on The Fluffy's Tail, a fairy tale for a project my writing group is putting together in honor of a member's newborn daughter.

Under the circumstances, that's pretty impressive.

Word of advice: do *not* take Trileptal for depression if you are already taking an SSRI antidepressant or you have ever had a head injury or brain inflammation. My psychiatrist (who I will *never* go near again) neglected to tell me this when she trialed me on Trileptal. She waited until *after* I had stopped taking it because I was so dizzy and weak I was walking around with my hands out like a tightrope walker to keep from falling over. The improvement when I stopped was overnight - within 36 hours of my last dose I was back to within 80% of normal *and* the depression lifted.

It's nice to be enjoying life again.



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