Kate's Korner

Here I hold forth on matters writerly, and anything else that takes my fancy.

Location: Boyertown, Pennsylvania, United States

I've got enough short stories published for SFWA membership, and I'm in the middle of making the next jump to novel sales. The mad genius parts are true. I'm quite insane, and I qualified for Mensa at the tender age of 8 but never actually joined up. As far as I can tell being a mad genius isn't a good thing, although it can be fun.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Progress Report for the week

Well, the work insanity has been making it difficult to get writing in during the week. Still, some progress has happened despite me spending most of the week head down and tail up then losing large chunks of the weekend to Myst 5

Writing: 2500 words on a new short story, plus another 500-odd words on a novel-in-progress.
Gym: Still need to make the phone call to set it up.
Ad Astra: Registration is sent. I still need to book the hotel room.

I suspect that having characters harass me about not doing enough on their particular work does not count as progress ;)


Sunday, January 15, 2006

Progress report #2

After a bad week and some, I'm back on the wagon, I hope.

Progress since the last report:

Daily goal - 1800 words, most of them in the last 2 days. Much of last week involved zero writing progress. Also, one short story revised.

Ad Astra - Registration sent in.

Gym - need to phone to make the first appointment.

Unrelated items -
  • 1 new computer.
  • Much cussing at the old computer and a great deal of time transferring settings and preferences. It's not all there yet, but I have most of what I need. The damage to my fingers from razor sharp expansion slot covers is healing.
  • One mega time-waster in the form of the 5th Myst game, End of Ages. As a puzzle nut, I'm loving this, but I'm having to ration the time I spend playing it. This game is the reason for the new computer - my old machine simply couldn't handle it.
  • One new video card (see above).
  • The discovery, unrelated to all the above, that I'm physically not up to long work days. After about 9 hours, I'm fried. I suspect this is mostly narcolepsy, and I'm hoping that getting fit will improve my stamina.
  • One work week from hell, with three product releases to test (see above). The biggest problem with these weeks is I don't get a lunch break. I eat on the run, which is one of the reasons I end up fried.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Progress report


Daily goal - nada. Didn't get a chance to take a lunch break, and had my Wednesday evening social group after work.

Gym - got the information I needed from the company, but forgot to bring it home.

Cons - checked out passport/visa requirements for heading to Toronto from the US when one is not a US citizen (I'm a legal resident, resident alien, green card or whatever else you care to call it)

Daily goal - revised one short story before sending it to a friend for some line editing.

Gym - found out I needed to do some other things before I can call to make the appointment to join. Did these, and need to make sure my employer has done their side before I make the call.

Cons - Printed and filled out Ad Astra registration. Will drop in mail tomorrow.

Not exactly a running start, but not bad either.


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Starting Fresh

Well, it's a few days into 2006 and I'm trying to get a start on my goals for the year.

Writing wise they are
  • Submit at least 2 novels
  • Build up to a minumum of 6 short stories doing the rounds (this will take a while. Moving interstate put a large crimp in submitting and writing shorts)
  • Daily goal - 500 new words OR 1 short story revision OR 1 novel chapter revision.
  • Cons - Ad Astra, WFC, and Philcon, possibly one other.
Other goals
  • Get gym membership and work out at least 3 times a week (with a partly healed broken ankle this could be... interesting)
  • Start practising trombone again. Scary... Very scary.
I'm not expecting all of these to happen at once. I am planning to start small and try to build habits that will let everything else fall into place. Like, once I've got the gym workout to a habit, tweak my schedule to fit in 1/2 hour a day on the 'bone, thereby traumatizing the cats and scaring the neighbors ;-)

And of course, the daily writing goal starts now. Today. I may not always meet it, but I'm going to try. Most activity other than the daily goal is likely to happen on weekends, since weekdays tend to get completely chewed by the day job.

Progress, in no particular order:-
Words today: 455
Gym: Need to find out how my job's corporate membership with the local gym works and how to use it.
Novel Subs: 1 proposal ready to go. 1 novel waiting for revision.
Short story subs: 2 out. Soon to be one as the Writers of the Future results for last quarter trickle in.
Cons: Need to send Ad Astra registration.

The handful of people who check by here are welcome to nag me if I don't post regular updates ;-)
