Kate's Korner

Here I hold forth on matters writerly, and anything else that takes my fancy.

Location: Boyertown, Pennsylvania, United States

I've got enough short stories published for SFWA membership, and I'm in the middle of making the next jump to novel sales. The mad genius parts are true. I'm quite insane, and I qualified for Mensa at the tender age of 8 but never actually joined up. As far as I can tell being a mad genius isn't a good thing, although it can be fun.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Changes in the Air

Well, life goes on, and change comes to all.

In my case, it's coming very soon. I'm looking at being in PA to start a new job in about a month's time.

The reason? The boss. I like what I do. I like the rest of the people I work with. But the boss is, to put it nicely, a twit.

Lately, my antidepressent dosage has tripled, and I've been put on anti anxiety drugs and then had that dosage increased by 250%, just to control the breakdowns. It doesn't hold them completely, but I'm down to minor breakdowns each night instead of half an hour or more or hysterical crying.

The pressure at the back of my head, which seems to be related to this, is often close to intolerable. I find myself wanting to take a drill to my skull to let it out. This is not a good thing, as the actress said to the bishop.

I'm really looking forward to starting somewhere with a management style that does not include "employee harassment".

On the writing front, I'm starting to gather nicer rejections, where they actually tell me they liked the writing, but... I have a novel to revise, a three novel series to outline, write a proposal for, and start, and more novel projects than a dog has fleas. So I'm cutting back the short stories to if an idea hits that seems like fun.

I have a sneaking suspicion it'll happen more often than I intend...
